Creative projects in Art Packs all set to do at home, on a trip or for a group activity. Individually themed, as well as Custom Designed Art Packs come with all instructions and materials in a colorful mesh bag. Each pack provides materials to use for additional projects, as well. Most projects can be adapted to all ages 6-14. With 100’s of projects and always new ideas, Custom Art Packs are fantastic and can be designed for special occasions and specific interests.
Please contact "> to order. Additional projects not listed for ages 4-6.
Studio pick-up: Art Packs are $25/project
Shipping: Art Packs are $35;
please allow 7 days from California.
Please select shipping on the check out page
Current Art Packs ready to go!
Each includes instructions and samples.
Watercolor Superhero, Watercolor Kachina
Watercolor paper
Watercolor paints
Extra brush
Pencil & kneaded eraser
Color Wheel Hair Portrait
Tempera Paints & mixing plate
Poster board
Pencil & eraser
Carbon sheet for transfer.
Rainbow Animal, Pastel Bunny, Pastel Feathers
Chalk pastels
Pastel Paper
Kneaded eraser
Rainbow Animal, Pastel Bunny, Pastel Feathers
Chalk pastels
Pastel Paper
Kneaded eraser
Chinese New Year Metal Rat
Prepared art board with aluminum
Cut paper
Glue stick
Rope & string